Writing About Reading
July 12-13, 2021
Grades 2-8
Virtual Workshop
We will spend TWO DAYS in this workshop looking at how to move
readers from beginning "stop and jots" to develop strategies that will
equip them for writing short answer responses that move towards short
essay. We will look at utilizing these strategies in both read aloud and shared reading across genres.
*We would highly recommend if you are not doing shared reading with your students in the intermediate grades to look at the companion workshop Using Shared Reading to Elevate Engagement & Comprehension June 24th.
Summer 2021: All workshops will be virtual.
Attendees will receive:
log-in procedures prior to day of workshop.
Zoom meetings scheduled 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. with scheduled breaks.
access to materials (available in the Houston area on July 9; if you live outside the Houston area, we will send the materials to you if you are registered prior to June 29).
This workshop qualifies for Title 1 funding.
Make checks payable to Koesel Consulting
Cancellation Policy: Substitutions are allowed at any time; however, refunds are not given.